Citywide Parent Council Documents
About the CPC Flyer (Coming Soon)
Pandemic EBT Flyer – English
Pandemic EBT Flyer – Spanish
Pandemic EBT Flyer – Cape Verdean Creole
Pandemic EBT Flyer – Portuguese
Pandemic EBT Flyer – Arabic
Video of the BPS Budget
Resources for Advocating to Elected Officials

Organizing Toolkit for BPS Parents/Caregivers
(Maintained by BPS parent John Lerner)

CPC’s Timeline of the BPS Budget
(Last Updated: 2015)

CPC Map: BPS School by City Councilor
(Last Updated: 2016)
Other Parent/Caregiver and Student Groups Officially Recognized by BPS
- BSAC (Boston Student Advisory Council)
- Sped PACac (BPS Special Education Parents Advisory Council)
- BTU PAC (Boston Teachers Union Parent Advisory Council)
- DELLAC (District English Language Learner Advisory Committee)
- BPS Office of Engagement – Our partner in BPS, the Office of Engagement builds the capacity of BPS schools, staff, families, students and the community to establish partnerships that strengthen student learning and improve schools.
- School Site Council Handbook – The guiding set of policies governing all School Site Councils of all BPS schools.
- MassBudget – The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) produces non-partisan policy research, analysis, and data-driven recommendations focused on improving the lives of low- and middle-income children and adults, strengthening our state’s economy, and enhancing the quality of life in Massachusetts.
- Boston Schoolyard News – An independent, parent-run news site for BPS families.